Blogging Copywriting Developers

introducing the blogging for devs community

Hey friend, I hate starting this email on such a grim note, but it's the truth: Most beautiful, baby blogs born into the world today are destined for failure. According to the New York Times, over 95% of blogs are abandoned within their first year. A recent SEO study by Ahrefs also found that 90% […]

Blogging Copywriting

Evil Twins and Hero Images 🛡

Blogging Copywriting Entrepreneurship

CT No.84: Reconsidering the humble but mighty hyperlink

THE CONTENT TECHNOLOGIST CT No.84: Reconsidering the humble but mighty hyperlink BY DEBORAH CARVER – 03 JUN 2021 – VIEW ONLINE → This week: Reconsidering one of the core features of the web: the hyperlink A review of a new web analytics platform New Google features, cave paintings as entities, and the context weird Twitter trending […]

Blogging Copywriting

not your best

Copywriting Entrepreneurship

Problems? Your Content Tilt Might Be Broken

MAY 25, 2021 View In Browser Welcome to The Tilt, a twice-a-week newsletter for content creators who want to be or already are content entrepreneurs. We talk aspiration, inspiration, revenue, audiences, tech, trends, and more to help your content business thrive. full tilt What is a Content Tilt? What’s the news? Today is the launch of […]

Copywriting Education Marketing

No Time for Strategic Content?

Business Copywriting

Basic Problem Newsletter #33 💵

Basic Problem  Hey all Good to see you again and welcome back to my newsletter about product ideas, building side projects, indie hacking, and problems worth solving. Today, I have a special special in addition to the usual special. I've started a new project I'd like to share with you. Here we go.  Introducing Birdspotter […]

Blogging Copywriting

use this checklist to make sure your blog post is finished ✅

Today's challenge: Polish your post and get feedback! Hey friend, Can you believe you made it to Day #6?! It's almost time to publish the post you've been working on for the last week. But before we do that, I want to make sure you're all set up, and you don't have any regrets after […]

Business Conferences Copywriting

[TWR] Why can’t we be friends?

Estimated Reading Time: 9 minutes “A good editor is someone who cares a little less about the author’s needs than the reader’s” ― Dene October Earlier this spring, I was feeling like I was standing on stage with 83 plates spinning on sticks around me. It felt like it was my responsibility to tirelessly run […]

Copywriting Entrepreneurship

How a Niche Content Agency Scaled from 0 to 50 Writers In Just 300 Days…

When you’re going to start a content agency, what’s the best way to go about it? By going niche, of course! This week’s text-based interview features Karl Hughes, who has scaled up a niche content agency to 50 writers in only 10 months! What’s his niche? It’s software development, and all of his writers are […]