Finance Money Stocks

๐Ÿงข Netflix pulls a Disney

Disclosures   Waiting for a "Stranger Things" themed ride [kali9/E+ via GettyImages]   Last Week’s Market Moves   Dow Jones34,480 (-0.80%) S&P 5004,247 (+0.41%) Nasdaq14,069 (+1.85%) Bitcoin$39,089 (+8.59%) Hey Snackers, The Statue of Liberty is getting a little sister — and the age gap is huge. 137 years after sending the original, France is shipping another Lady Liberty to the US as […]

Blogging Business Entrepreneurship

๐Ÿ’– One dollar.

June 14, 2021 Read in browser How was your weekend? We spent ours finalizing the details on something exciting. For every new active reader that joins our newsletter between now and 30th July 2021 (this coming July), we’ll donate $1 to the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. There are some extra bonuses as we hit […]


Come to my room?

Hey Newsletter, Can you come to my room now? That's the text I got from my friend Amy Porterfield the weekend of her massive (way pre-pandemic) live event in San Diego, The Entrepreneur Experience. (If you don’t know who Amy is, all you have to know is that she’s Beyonce-level in the digital marketing space.) Cut […]

Business Jobs

If you could work from anywhere

Newsletter, When I ask people what their dream is, 90%+ of them say this: “I want to do what I want, when I want.” Here’s an example taken on a safari. Below, I’ll share a surprise about this picture. When I ask them why they aren’t doing it today, can you guess how they react? Their eyes […]

Business Finance Media Money Stocks

Advice to Grads: Be Warriors, Not Wokesters

Advice to Grads: Be Warriors, Not Wokesters Last week, on my way to eat at Jack’s Wife Freda (#awesome) in SoHo, a young woman in a purple gown, with older versions of herself in tow, nearly ran me over. It’s that time of year. Approximately 4 million young adults, and their loved ones, will be […]

Blogging Business Entertainment

6:30 is the best time on the clock… hands down!

Hi Newsletter, Sorry for the Dad joke  #notsorry I'd want to share a bit of a story with you today that I'm calling "Eyeglasses to Sunglasses" and what it means for you and potentially how you can come along for the ride. This email has a 3-minute read time, but I wanted to let you in […]

Business Entrepreneurship

Unexpected lesson from interviewing at Microsoft

Newsletter, When I was in college, I got an interview at Microsoft. They flew me to Seattle, put me up at a swanky hotel, and effectively gave me an unlimited spending account while I was in town. That’s not an exaggeration — Microsoft does this for all candidates. They encourage you to rent a car, […]

Business Entrepreneurship

Initiator Creator – Issue 63

Initiator Creator – Issue #63 By Saurabh Y. // 12 June 2021 Developer How Replit used legal threats to kill an open-source project – Intuitive explanations This blog post is the story of how Replit is using legal threats and their venture-capital funding to bully Radon into shutting down an open-source project they don’t like. Svelte […]

Blogging Entrepreneurship Technology

The ocean and the meaning of life, James Baldwin on love, the illusion of choice and the paradox of freedom, Borges and the blues of knowing ourselves

NOTE: This newsletter might be cut short by your email program. View it in full.   If a friend forwarded it to you and you'd like your very own newsletter, subscribe here — it's free.   Need to modify your subscription? You can change your email address or unsubscribe. Hello Newsletter! This is the weekly email digest of the […]

Entrepreneurship Technology

๐Ÿ”ฎ AI Superpowers; productivity booms; reigning in Big Tech; the tyranny of time & ICE ++ #326

EXPONENTIAL VIEW  AI Superpowers; productivity booms; reigning in Big Tech; the tyranny of time & ICE ++ #326 BY AZEEM AZHAR – 13 JUN 2021 – VIEW ONLINE → Hi, I’m Azeem Azhar. I convene Exponential View to help us understand how our societies and political economy will change under the force of rapidly accelerating technologies. I wrote […]